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※8月21日(金)~31日(月) 来店応募

※8月28日(金)~31日(月) Web応募































【 Lottery application form for Yuki NISHIYAMA’s works 

■Exhibition Period

August 21 Friday ~September 8 Tuesday

■Lottery Sales Application Period

August 21 Friday ~ August 31 Monday Store Lottery Sales Application Period

August 28 Friday ~ August 31 Monday Online Lottery Sales Application Period

​The winner will be selected after a strict lottery. It is not on a first come first serve basis.

■ About application

・You are able to apply only once per person for once item.
(You can choose either Store Lottery Sales Application or Online Lottery Sales Application.)

​・You can fill in the application from 1st choice to 3rd choice.

​・Please note that only one of them will be won or lost.


■ Announcement of the Lottery Results

・The winning announcement dates are 2020 September 1 Tuesday or September 2 Wednesday.

・An invoice e-mail will be sent only to a winner on the lottery.
When you don’t receive that invoice e-mail within September 2 Wednesday, it means you sadly lost on the lottery.

・Please be careful not to make a mistake in the e-mail address, as the winning will be invalid if we cannot contact you due to an error in the e-mail address.

・Depending on the settings of your mailing system, emails from us may be sorted as junk emails or deleted. Please check  your mailing system before applying.

・We are not be able to answer any inquiries regarding the application status or winning results.


■Notes for winners

・Please follow the procedure for confirming the winning according to the contents of the invoice email sent from us. Please note that if the payment procedure is not completed by the deadline, the winning will be invalidated.

・The deadline for payment is September 3 Thursday at 23:59.

・The delivery to winners will be started from September 7 Monday.

■ How to Pay

・Payment is accepted only by a credit card.

■ How to Receive

・Her works will be delivered. You are not be able to receive them in the store basically.

If the purchase is regarded for resale, we will refuse the sale.

For those who have been confirmed to resale her works, we will strictly refuse participation in all lottery sales in the future.

After the lottery, if there is a work that can be sold, it will be sold  at the gallery from September 4 Friday to 8 Tuesday.




■ About the works list
Please see
[Web Natsumi Iino, Yuki Nishiyama, Chiemi Ogura Exhibition].
※Web lottery application period for Nishiyama Yuki works: August 28 (Fri)-31 (Mon)

Sophia gallery ソフォラ ギャラリー 京都 glass ceramic art craft 石文鎮 久保裕子 工芸 ガラス 陶器 アート クラフト


京都市中京区二条通寺町東入ル榎木町77-1 延寿堂ビル1F


OPEN   10:00-18:30(展覧会最終日17:30迄)

OPEN   10:00-18:30(Last day of exhibition -17:30)

CLOSED   木曜定休・水曜不定休

CLOSED   Thursday +Wednesday, irregularly

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※ HP内の全ての写真の無断転用・無断転載は、禁止いたします

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