和洋問わず幅広くお使いいただける板皿。 細かな貫入がはいった白地の多いタイプや、
更にマットな質感の黒いタイプもあります。 . どれも人気であと僅かとなって参りました。 豆皿と組み合わせて使うと更に用途が広がりそうですよ。 (正方形のタイプもあります。)
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こちらがマットな質感の黒タイプ。 何かと重宝する26cmの長皿です。
さて、明日は本展の最終日! . 今展は17:30迄。営業は18:30迄。 皆様のお越しをお待ちしております♪
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【八田亨 展】 TORU HATTA CERAMIC EXHIBITION 2018.2.23 (Fri)-3.13(Wed) 10:00-18:30(最終日17:30迄)【木曜定休】 . 【在廊日】23(金)・24(土) . .
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The potter’s gaze upon his wood kiln has become precise with the passing of the years, and somehow gentler. Maybe, by maturing from a time of simply casting about, and truly facing the joy and difficulty of the ceramic medium, he is now embracing the pleasure of eliminating all that is unnecessary.Two years ago, I asked him “what is it that you truly wish to do?” The answer to this question has started to sincerely materialize here in this moment. The Toru Hatta of today pours his heart into the melody of the ceramic wheel. We warmly welcome you to enjoy his new works with us, at the first exhibition of this year at Sophora.