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【 常設展より 】※只今臨時休業中


林哲三作 ◆拭漆御椀 各¥32,400-一部Soldout . ガラスや陶磁器のご紹介が多いSophoraですが、

拭き漆の美しい椀や酒盃もございますよ。 .




◆石文鎮-夏(中)アメンボ 各¥8,640-Soldout、予約承り中












【Sophora臨時休業のお知らせ】 ◆8/30~9/7 CLOSE  イタリアへ出展の為、休業いたします ◆9/8~ OPEN  通常営業いたします . イタリア、ファエンツァ近郊の方ぜひいらしてくださいね♪ We will go to Italy soon!! Please come to see us!! . . ◆Festival Internazionale della Ceramica e Mostra Mercato ◆International Ceramics Festival and Market-Fair . Argillà Italia is a long week-end dedicated to Ceramics in Faenza, one of the most renowned centres for majolica in the world, from which the name Faiences originates. Discover the world of ceramic art and handicraft, enjoy the international ceramic festival and market-fair along the streets of the historic centre, with many exhibitions and cultural events. . Market-fair opening hours ◆August 31, h 16-22 ◆September 1, h 10-22 ◆September 2, h 10-20 . Argillà Italia will also host several ceramic shows and live performances, such as Mondial Tornianti – Worldwide Potter’s Wheel Championship, open-air firing in spectacular kilns, as well as several demonstrations, workshops, activities for kids and conferences. .

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