New! 明日、3/11金曜日より始まります! . 【 杉江智 -クリスタルガラスの器- 展 】 SATOSHI SUGIE CRYSTAL GLASS EXHIBITION 2022.3.11 (Fri)~3.29 (Tue) 10:00-18:30(最終日17:30迄)【木曜定休】
Satoshi Sugie blows the original nonlead crystal glass in order to express "beauty" as simply as possible. He moves along to the straightforward emotion of his heart and wants to create his works that are purely beautiful. We are going to exhibit from his standard items to his new one-of-a-kind items. Please enjoy this exhibition.
【在廊日】 11(金)・12(土)・20(日) ※ 3/9・10は展示替えの為、臨時休業いたします
